How to Disable Breadcrumbs in Blogger - Tips N Tuts

How to Disable Breadcrumbs in Blogger -

What are Breadcrumbs ?

Breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs trail is a graphical control element used as a navigational aid in user interfaces. It allows users to keep track of their locations within programs, documents, or websites. The term comes from the trail of bread crumbs left by Hansel and Gretel in the fairy tale of the same name.
     A breadcrumb trail tracks and displays each page viewed by a visitor of a website, either in the order the pages were viewed, or in other definitions, displaying a hierarchy of the current page in relation to the website's structure. Breadcrumbs are typically placed, in horizontal form, under the masthead or navigation of a website.

Breadcrumbs following a hierarchical structure are shown as :
Home page > Section page > Subsection page

Deleting Breadcrumbs in Blogger will affect search engines to index your site properly. Take a look below at the demonstration of breadcrumbs part in search results.

Hide Breadcrumbs in Blogger (Recommended)

To hide Breadcrumbs in blogger just type these codes above/before ]]</b:skin>

.breadcrumbs, .breadcrumb, .bread-crumbs{visibility:hidden !important;}
.breadcrumbs, .breadcrumb{display:none !important;}

Delete Breadcrumbs in Blogger 

Find the following breadcrumb container inside your blog and then delete all the content inside it

<div class="breadcrumbs">

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